Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Test This assessment is designed to help you gauge whether you may be experiencing symptoms commonly associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Please read each statement carefully and select the response that best describes how often you've experienced each symptom in the past month. Instructions: For each question, choose the option that best represents your experiences. Total Questions: 10 Takes 2 min 1. I have experienced disturbing and unwanted memories of a traumatic event Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 2. I have had recurrent nightmares related to a traumatic event Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 3. I have felt as if the traumatic event was happening again (flashbacks) Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 4. I have avoided situations or reminders that trigger memories of the traumatic event Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 5. I have experienced negative changes in my thoughts and feelings since the traumatic event Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 6. I have experienced heightened arousal, such as difficulty sleeping or being easily startled Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 7. Hypervigilance (being constantly on guard) Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 8. Exaggerated startle response Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 9. Irritable behavior and angry outbursts Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None 10. Physical reactions (sweating, shaking) when reminded of the traumatic event(s) Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often None Time is Up! Time's up