Get Help With Chronic Anger Issues

You feel angry all the time. At everyone. At everything. You just want to scream at the top of your lungs or pick a fight with someone to release this burning rage within you.

This is (or similar to) how just under 8% of the U.S.1 population feels. If this sounds like you or someone you love, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. However, it’s also important to recognize that feeling this way goes past the typical feelings of rage, potentially moving into chronic anger.

Fortunately, there are multiple treatment options available to help those struggling with chronic anger issues manage this. Below, we’ll explore what chronic anger issues are, the signs, symptoms, causes, and effects of chronic anger, as well as treatment options and ways to cope. 

Woman screaming due to chronic anger issues

What Are Chronic Anger Issues?

Everyone experiences anger from time to time. In many cases, anger is temporary or situational in response to a specific trigger.2 However, for people with chronic anger issues, anger can become a lasting personality trait. 

People with chronic anger are more prone to aggression and have difficulty controlling their hostile feelings when they’re angry. They also experience anger more frequently and intensely than others.3 

But how do you know if what you’re experiencing is “normal” anger or chronic? To identify the difference, let’s consider the signs. 

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Anger Issues

Each and every one of us is unique, and because of this, our emotions show up in different ways. However, there tend to be overlapping symptoms that occur for almost everyone struggling with chronic anger. 

Emotional Symptoms of Chronic Anger

Chronic anger shows up in the emotions we feel in marked ways, such as4,5,6:

  • Having a heated temper
  • Easily becoming annoyed or irritated
  • Rage in response to public criticism or feedback
  • Feeling as if your anger is more intense than other people’s anger
  • Becoming furious when you don’t receive the recognition you feel you deserve

Physical Symptoms of Chronic Anger

Some of the most common physical symptoms of chronic anger include4,5,6:

  • Your heart races when you’re angry
  • Your muscles tense when you’re frustrated
  • Your breathing quickens during moments of frustration
  • Feeling ready to fight or flee (due to your stress response system)
  • You experience frequent headaches alongside or after your anger

These are all typical signs of anger and your stress response system being active. However, the difference between “normal” anger and chronic anger is the frequency and intensity of these feelings. If you often experience these physical symptoms, you may be struggling with chronic anger. 

Behavioral Signs of Chronic Anger

Chronic anger also shows up in our behaviors. If you’re struggling with chronic anger, you may find yourself4,5,6

  • Having frequent conflicts with others
  • Slamming doors or throwing objects when upset
  • Acting without thinking when angered
  • Becoming physically aggressive when angry
  • Intentionally trying to hurt others’ feelings when angry 

Causes of Chronic Anger Issues in Adults

Much research has been done to try to understand why exactly so many adults find themselves tackling chronic anger issues. And the general verdict is: 

  1. It differs for everyone, and
  2. It tends to be a combination of factors increasing a person’s risk 

Some of the main factors increasing someone’s likelihood of chronic anger issues are:

  • Challenges With Emotion Regulation: People who weren’t taught healthy ways to manage their emotions may find it difficult to express their anger constructively as adults. This can make it difficult to calm yourself when you’re angry or could lead to displaced anger or suppressed anger.7
  • Brain Abnormalities: Certain differences in the brain, particularly in brain regions relating to anger and stress (such as the amygdala) can make a person over-reactive to stress. These abnormalities may also mean it’s harder to think rationally when you’re upset.8
  • Past Negative or Traumatic Experiences: Negative life events in both childhood and adulthood can make it more difficult to control anger, potentially leading to chronic anger issues.  What’s more, anger can be a symptom of PTSD, suggesting that anger is closely interlinked with our past experiences and mental health.3,9
  • Dysfunctional Family Relationships: Studies show that unhealthy relationships with your parents or caregivers may make it harder to process and respond to your anger in healthy ways.10
  • Low Frustration Tolerance: Some of us are easier to tip over the edge into frustration than others. This isn’t at any fault of our own. Instead, there may be differences in particular areas of the brain, such as the amygdala and frontal and dorsal anterior cingulate cortices.11
  • Existing Mental Health Disorder: Certain mental health disorders have been linked to difficulties managing anger and chronic anger issues. For example, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, borderline and schizotypal personality disorders, are all supposedly closely linked with anger.3 

Effects of Chronic Anger

Chronic anger can have a serious impact on your life, not only in your relationships but on your physical and mental health, too. Below, we explore the main effects of chronic anger in depth.

Chronic Anger and Physical Health

Chronic anger poses a significant risk to a person’s physical health. This is predominantly down to the effect anger has on the body—anger triggers our fight or flight response, much like when we get scared or anxious. When this happens, our adrenal glands, an important part of our stress response system, flood our body with the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. This, in turn, causes the body to go into overdrive to prepare to protect itself.12 

If this process continues to happen repeatedly, it can lead to chronic health conditions. For example, it can trigger cardiovascular issues, such as heart disease, hypertension, or stroke, and digestive issues, as digestion is temporarily paused during the fight or flight response.12 

What’s more, if chronic anger interferes with a person’s driving, it could increase the risk of motor accidents.12 

Chronic Anger and Mental Health

Chronic anger is also associated with an increased risk of various mental health difficulties, including anxiety disorders, depression, and emotional instability. What’s more, research shows a link between long-term anger, self-harm, and suicidality.13 

Therefore, the risks of chronic anger on mental health are serious and important to be aware of. However, more research is needed to understand whether chronic anger triggers mental health difficulties or vice versa. 

Man frustrated due to chronic anger issues

Chronic Anger in Relationships

Chronic anger can begin to interfere with romantic relationships, as the rage can become so all-consuming that it pushes others away. If anger becomes difficult to manage or control, it can also lead to physical or verbal aggression, which can damage relationships further.13 

When anger leads to aggression or breaks down healthy relationships, it’s important to know that you don’t have to manage this alone. Cognitive behavioral therapy for couples can help to alter the negative thinking patterns that happen alongside chronic anger.14

Treatment Options for Chronic Anger

With the right approach, you can learn to understand and manage your anger, and thus reduce the impact it has on your mental and physical health and relationships. Here are some treatment options that can help:

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can help you identify the specific triggers that ignite your anger. It also helps in reframing distorted thought patterns that contribute to your chronic anger. By understanding your thought processes, you can learn to challenge negative or irrational beliefs and replace them with more realistic and helpful ones.14
    • Mindfulness Techniques: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can significantly increase self-awareness. These techniques help you become more attuned to your emotions and bodily sensations, allowing you to recognize the onset of anger before it escalates.15
    • Group Therapy: In a group therapy setting, you can learn from the experiences and coping strategies of others who are also dealing with anger management issues. Sharing your own experiences with others in a supportive environment can give you a sense of community and reduce your feelings of isolation.16
    • Trauma-Informed Therapy: If your chronic anger is linked to unresolved trauma, trauma-informed interventions can be particularly beneficial. These therapies address any past traumatic experiences, limiting their impact on your current emotions and behaviors.17

Practical Strategies to Manage Chronic Anger Issues

We always recommend seeking professional support from a counselor if you’re struggling with chronic anger issues. However, there are also practical strategies you can try at home, alongside your therapy, to manage chronic anger. 

Relaxation Techniques

Below are several relaxation techniques you can try at home to help manage your anger:

  • Deep Breathing: Focus on slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm, not just your chest.
  • Mindful Imagery: Visualize calming scenes or repeat a calming phrase like “everything will be okay” or “I am able to manage.”
  • Yoga: Gentle yoga can help relax your muscles and calm your mind.

It’s important to practice these regularly to see their full benefits. 

Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring involves gradually changing the way you think by replacing negative thoughts with more positive, rational ones. It’s not about telling yourself things that aren’t true or real, but rather challenging the negative perceptions you’ve built up about the world. Some helpful cognitive reconstructing activities are:

  • Avoiding Extreme Language: For example, refraining from using words like “always” or “never,” as these can be very black-or-white, not showing the whole picture.
  • Focus on Facts: Focusing on facts and evidence can help prevent you from assuming or imagining an outcome, which can help reduce the likelihood of anger building up.

Alter Your Environment

Let’s face it, altering your environment isn’t always possible. However, if a certain environment is causing you stress, it can be helpful to switch things up to help you destress and recharge. For example, giving yourself a calm space within your home, where you keep many of the things that help you calm down, can allow you to make healthy choices when you feel anger coming on. 

If you don’t have a place like this within your home, have you ever considered therapy? At Mission Connection, we offer flexible therapy services to fit around your schedule. You can either use our telehealth services if home is your safe, comfortable space, or take advantage of our in-person services to help you feel at ease.

Reach Out for Chronic Anger Treatment Today

Long-term anger issues can cause you to push others away, leaving you feeling alone and isolated. What’s more, as chronic anger can chip away at your physical and mental health, it’s important that the warning signs of chronic anger aren’t ignored.

Fortunately, at Mission Connection Healthcare, we’re perfectly cut out for supporting you with chronic anger issues and related conditions. We offer personalized treatment to suit your specific needs, preferences, and goals, as well as convenient access to care through our in-person and telehealth therapy services. We offer a range of treatment options, including CBT, mindfulness, group therapy, and trauma-informed therapy, to give you the best tools to manage your anger issues. 

If you’re struggling with chronic anger and feel like you’ve tried everything but nothing has worked, contact us for support. We can help you every step of the way. 


1. Okuda, M., Picazo, J., Olfson, M., Hasin, D. S., Liu, S., Bernardi, S., & Blanco, C. (2014). Prevalence and correlates of anger in the community: results from a national survey. CNS Spectrums, 20(2), 130–139.

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